Friday, September 24, 2010

9/24/10 Test Assignment

Define the Sin for circle 5.
Describe the punishment for circle 5.
In your own words, what is the correlation between the sin and the punishment?

Please write your answers as a comment to this post.


  1. The sin for circle 5 is lustful (sexual). The punishment is the souls are in a horrible storm forever with debris hitting them continually. The correlation is that their lust they expeirenced pushed them toward what they were after and therefor the storm is pushing them in ways they cannot control as well. The debris is because the lustful want to feel physical attention therefor it continually hits them. They will never know God forever.

  2. The Sin for Cirle 5 is to be lustful and obsessed with love. Because in their life their lust controlled them and because of this they had no self-sontril they are stuck in a Tempist that spins them and controls them. It also hits them with garbage because while alive all they wanted was physical attention.

  3. Circle Five is the wrathful and the sullen along with the river/marsh of Styx. The wrathful's punishment is that they mangle, tear, and attack one another in a foul slime, the river/marsh of Styx. Below the slime and mud are the entombed souls of the sullen. The correlation between the sin and punishment: The wrathful were violent in life and therefore attack and fight each other. The sullen refused to welcome the light of the Sun (Divine Illumination) and repressed their anger inside themselves. Therefore are buried forever in the river/marsh of Styx never to see light.

  4. The sin for Circle Five is the sin of wrath or anger. It includes sinners which are openly angry, sullen, those that hold their anger inside, and the vindictive. The punishment is that they are caught and held down in the murky slime of a black spring. The black spring is hate. Those who have shown open anger and the vindictive hit each other uncontrollable while being held down by the weight of their own anger. The sullen choke on the slime and are unable to speak. Dante does not feel sorry for them because he realizes that God created Hell as a way to seek justice against sinners. Their punishments are reflective of the sins they have committed.

  5. Wrath is the sin of the fifth circle. It contains the wrathful and the sullen. Their punishment is that they attack each other in the muddy river of Styx. They fought others in life and they continue to in the afterlife. They refused to see the light of God and are therefore buried from light in the muddy river Styx.

  6. Circle Five is full of the Wrathful and the Sullen. The Wrathful are taken by the anger that they have and do not take the blame for any of their mistakes, but blame others. For their punishment they are to live in the muddy marshes of Styx and forever watch themselves tear each other apart in their angered hearts. The Sullen are to forever live underneath the water in the slime forever to be blocked from the sunlight and from God unable to speak because of the slime that gargles in their throats. The correlation of Wrathful and their punishment is that in their life they were blaming others and not taking their own blame making them angered therefore in Hell they are to only live there angered at everyone else but themselves for their mistakes. Correlation between the sullen and their life and sin is that in their life they blocked themselves off from God and were not believers in the basic happiness therefore they are forever trapped under the slime as hidden souls from the light and happiness of God.

  7. The fifth circle is the Wrathful and Sullen. The wrathful's sin was that they were overtaken by their anger while they were alive so in Hell they are being overtaken by the marsh while they fight with one another. With the Sullen, they were glum and hidden while they were alive and now that they are in Hell, they are hidden in the marsh and are forever hidden from the light of God.

  8. The fifth circle of hell is reserved for the wrathful and sullen sinners. People that were wrathful in life, showed immense anger and hate towards people. Their punishment is relevent to their sins because, they are ripping each other apart in hell, constantly fighting. In their past lives they were always looking for a way to fight back. As for the sullen, they shunned god and the light out of the picture their whole mortal lives. Their punishment is relevent to their sins because, they are buried in the ground of hell, and never allowed to be shown the outside world.

  9. The 5th circle is for the wrathful and the souls of the sullen. The wrathfuls sin was that they were violent and angry people that blamed everyone else for their problems. Their punishment was to live eternally and watch tear eachother apart in their anger. The correlation between their sin and punishment is that in life they were an angry people and blamed others for their problems and now in hell they are fighting with eachother now. For the sullen they held their anger inside and for their punishment the sullen are to be buried in slime and to be choked on slime so they cannot speak. The correlation of the sin and the punishment is that in life they did not want to speak about their anger and held it inside and so therefore now can never talk about it and will forever be choked on slime.

  10. Circle 5 is the last station of Upper Hell. There are two different kinds of souls in the circle. The wrathfuls were full of violence and blamed everyone else for their wrong-doing. The Sullens refused to welcome the light of the Sun. The sun is also known as the Divine Illumination. In return, both of their punishments is to be under nasty slime and clash into one another. The sullens are forever buried under this slime and will never see sunlight or know God forever. The stinking waters are of the Styx.

  11. Circle five consists of the wrathful (very violent and always blame others for their faults), and the sullen (refuse God and hold their anger inside). The punishment for the wrathful is to tear each other apart and fight. The punishment for the sullen is to be buried in slime so they are unable to speak. The correlation: Wrathful- Were very violent on Earth, continue fighting in Hell. Sullen-held all emotions inside of them and didn't accept God, so they are unable to speak in Hell.

  12. Circle five, the Styx, is the last station of Upper Hell. The Wrathful and the Sullen are tortured here. The Wrathful's punishment is to attack one another in slime. The Wrathful were very mean and angry people and took out their anger on other people, so they are getting attacked as payback for what they did. The bubbles rising from the slime are the Sullen. They refused to let Divine Illumination into their lives. They are punished by being buried below the Styx.

  13. Circle five, the last station of the upper hell, is for the wrathful and the sullen. The wrathful are angry and do not take blame for their own actions, but blame others. Their punishment is attacking one another in the foul slime. The correlation is that they blamed each other for their problems and now they are in hell blaming everyone but themselves and fighting with each other. Below the mud lie the souls of the sullen. They refused to welcome the light of the sun, also known as the divine illumination. They held their anger inside. Their punishment is being buried forever below the stinking waters of the Styx. The correlation is that they did not want to express their anger so now they can never talk about it and will choke on slime and never see light.

  14. Circle 5 consists of the wrathful and the sullen. The Wrathful were violent in their own ways and would always blame others before themselves. Their punishment is being in the slime fighting, biting, and tearing each other up. The correlation is in their lifetime all they did was blame others for their actions so now they get to argue and now they are poring all their anger at everyone.The Sullen were those that refused to let God into their lives. Thier punishment is that they are buried under the slime where they will not be able to speak nor see the light. The correlation is that in their lifetime they saw no light from God.

  15. The fifth circle, which is the last station in Upper Hell, is reserved for the wrathful, or people who are violent. Their sin of course is their violent nature. Their punishment is that they are to attack each other in slime and filth. The correlation is that on Earth these people took their anger out on innocent people, or more specifically they are giving people crap, also refusing to see the light of God. Now they are getting what they diserve being buried in they very crap they gave other people and fighting in it.

  16. Within the fifth circle are the Wrathful and the Sullen, both in the circle for their own sort of sins.While on earth the Wrathful were very angry and bitter people,while violent and blaming others for their own doings. They were removed for earth and summoned for all eternity to be torn aparty by their own kind (of sinners) out of their own anger and while being covered in filth, just as they were on earth, they will be violent with anger and covered in their own filth for all of eternity. The other group of sinners, the Sullen, that remain in this circle, hid their anger inside and for this they are unable to speak, by being covered in slime below the Styx. The significance is that as they were so conservative on earth they will be unable to speak for all of eternity they will remain in hell.

  17. The 5th circle is the sullen and wrathful. While being on earth the sullen built up anger inside of them and did nothing to get rid of it, they kept it inside of them and let there anger build, so in hell they are speakless and must be covered by the river of styx in slime. because they didnt speak out there anger or discontentment on earht they remain speakless in hell. The warthful are angry people that that blamed and bestowed there wrath upon others, there punishment is to be torn apart by there own wrathful also while this is happeing they all are covered in filth and slime, jsut as they treated everyone else on earth with slime and filth and retribution along with great anger, they all get returned the favor in hell

  18. The fifth circle is the Wrathful and the sullen. The wrathful and sullen are people that would always act violent and blamed others for their actions. Their punishment was to have constant hate towards themselves and they attack each other. The correlation is that they now have to blame themselves since they never considered their own fault and because they were so violent they continued to be violent towards each other causing a constant fight between everyone in the circle.

  19. The 5th circle of hell is composed of two groups: wrath and sullen (stuck in same circle because they are both forms of anger). Both groups are in the Styx river of hell. The wrath group fights on the surface while the sullen group is submerged below the water. The wrathful people are ones who have been violently angry on Earth, so they continue to fight in hell. The sullen people are the ones who keep the anger suppressed to themselves, so they are stuck suppressed on the bottom of the river. Mitch Pugh says hi.

  20. The 5th Circle contains the Wrathful and the Sullen. The Wrathful were very violent and blamed their anger on others. Now they are forced to fight and tear each other apart while covered in filth and slime. The Sullen lie under the surface of the marsh, just like their silent anger was hidden during their lives.

  21. The Marsh of Styx is the 5th circle of Hell where the Wrathful and the Sullen reside. The Wrathful were violent and blameful throughout their lives and continue to be in Hell as their punishment. The correlation is although their violent actions put them in Hell, they continue to blame others instead of blaming themselves. The Sullen kept their anger and other emotions bottled up inside on Earth so therefore they are unable to speak in Hell. They are buried forever beneath the Styx where no one will hear them, just like no one did on Earth.

  22. The fifth circle is the Wrathful and the Sullen. Both the wrathful and the sullen are the same kind of sin of anger but different forms of anger. the wrathful is the anger that is expressed and the sullen is the anger that is bottled up inside. there punishment of the wrathful is to fight with each other constantly and the sullen are under slime an they cant see anything

  23. Circle 5 is for the wrathful and sullen. The wrathful always blamed others for there actions and not there own, as they were not responsible. Their punishment was to be covered in slime and fighting, as they were being treated just like they had treated others many times. The sullen are those that keep their anger and emotions bottled up inside them. The correlations between them is that they are in the same circle because they are both forms of anger and that they will now be treated in hell like they have once treated others when they were living.

  24. The sin in the fifth circle consists of the wrathful and the sullen. The wrathful are those who in their lives had blamed others for their faults. Their punishment is to attack each other. The sin and the punishment correlates because just as they had blamed others for their faults in their lives, they now have to fight other in hell. The sullen are those who held all their anger inside. They refused to welcome the "Divine Illumination." Now, they lay buried in the Styx. They cannot speak because of the muddy, murky water that they are engulfed in. The sin and the punishment correlate because just as they did not speak of their anger in their lives, they cannot speak in hell. Also, just as they had not let God's light in to their lives, they will not see the light in hell.

  25. The fifth circle is the wrathful and the sullen. The sin for wrathful is to blame all others for anything that went wrong, rather than themselves. The punishment for this sin is to attack each other. The two correlate because the accusing that got them to Hell is still relevant as the fighting continues in Hell. The sullen are those who bottled everything up and did not accept the Divine Illumination. They are punished by being buried below the Styx. The correlation is that the silence of bottling everything up has now silenced them under the waters of the Styx.

  26. The fifth circle is wrathful and sullen. The sin for wrathful is to blame others for your wrong doings rather then to blame yourself. The punishment for their sins is to attack eachother. They are correlated because each accuser fights eachother because they still cannot except the blame. The sullen are those who did not accept the "Dull Illumination". Their punishment is burried below the Styx. The two correlate because they bottled everything up which got them into hell, now they don't even have the right to talk anymore.

  27. The sin for circle 5 is wrathfulness and sullenness. The sullen held their anger inside and refused to see the Divine Illumination, therefore the punishment is being burried in the stinking waters of the styx. The wrathfull were violent and will continue to be while in hell.

  28. The fifth circle was for the wrathful and the sullen. the punishment for the wrathful was to tear attack each other and tear each other apart. this goes with their sin because they blamed everyone else for what went wrong in their life. the sullen are burried in the river styx to represent their bottled up anger and refusal to let God's light in.

  29. The fifth circle was for the wrathful and the sullen. The people who blame other for their life but not them selves, and they have punishment to be in the muddy river.Sin is person who is wrong.

  30. Circle five is reserved for the wrathful and the sullen. The wrathful were mean and took out their "wrath" on others. In Hell, they fought in the sludge of Styx, and hit and bit each other. They had the wrath they took out on others taken out on them. The sullen stayed inside all day, every day, and never appreciated the sunlight, or Divine Illumination. In Hell, they had to lie motionless in the dirt under Styx. They had to lay lazily and dormant, without light or liveliness, just like they did while living.

  31. the sin of circle five is that of wrathful anger and sullen depression. those who are wrathful wrongfully take out there anger on others and those who are sullen don't know how to appreciate what god had given them and did nothing to better themselves or there situation. These sinners are left to struggle and fight in the river of Styx for the rest of eternity. The significance of this is that during life these people did not know how to carry out in a "godly" manner and all they did was dwell on their emotions and frustrations and in the after life that is all they are left with is the anquish of their mistakes. so those souls never escape their flawed perception

  32. The 5th circle is the wrathful and sullen. The wrathful are forced to keep fighting each other, and the sullen have to sit in the bottom of the River Styx, unable to see the light. The reason for the punishment of the wrathful is that they always took out their anger on others, causing fights, and now they have to fight each other. The sullen's punishment is because when they were alive they neglected to see the light in life and the light of God, and now they sit in the murky water of the Marsh of Styx never seeing the light and spending the afterlife surrounded by the depressing atmosphere that they surrounded themselves with during life.

    ~Sam Morse
